Studio Deen’s SOLO LEVELING anime ended way back in 2009 and has been gathering dust on the back of Studio Deen’s shelves for quite some time now. As such, new announcements regarding Season 2 of SOLO LEVELING will most likely be made during or after Kim Jong Hak Production finishes animating season 1. If you want to see an English release of this underrated gem, then I suggest that you contact Studio Deen via their homepage and demand one! I think it’ll do more good than harm.
Solo Leveling Storyline
To be perfectly honest, I don’t know much about the SOLO LEVELING anime’s storyline… My friend who does understand Japanese tells me that there won’t be a new storyline this time around and that the SOLO LEVELING anime will consist of merely re-animating all of Season 1. He says not to place my hopes on it being good, but honestly I think if Studio Deen was willing to animate Season 1 of Solo Leveling then they really must have wanted to do it regardless of how well it can hold up against its manga/manhwa counterparts. This means that you might as well give them some credit for making an effort and watch it with an open mind! And who knows? You just may find yourself liking it more than you thought.
Solo Leveling Characters
As far as I can tell, the SOLO LEVELING anime will be a direct adaptation of the first season of the manhwa and will feature characters from that specific season only. If you want to learn more about these characters, then check out my Solo Leveling Character Introduction article. You’ll find all sorts of information there! And if you don’t, feel free to complain in the comments section below.
Final Verdict
If you really love SOLO LEVELING so much that you’ve managed to read this post without falling asleep… Then I suggest that you either contact Studio Deen or go download some fan subs or raws for Season
It’s just like the manhwa, but animated!
That may be true, to an extent, however the SOLO LEVELING anime will not follow the story to a tee. There are things that MUST go in order for there to even BE an anime and, if you were paying attention in Season 1 of SOLO LEVELING, you know that some important events were left out as they would ruin how some parts play out later on… With only 26 episodes (7 volumes) worth of material, can you imagine what kind of leeway this would give them? They could make 4 different seasons from those alone! And with all those extra side stories from the manga thrown in as well… Well, let’s just say that it WON’T be a 1:1 adaptation and, even if you’ve read the manga, chances are that you would enjoy the anime regardless.
I want to see this in English…
But we can’t. Even though SOLO LEVELING has been translated into OTHER languages (such as Czech), there is NO official English translation of the manhwa or the manga. In fact, given how sporadic some online manga websites have been with uploading new chapters for licensed titles that they DO have, I wouldn’t place your bets on an English release of SOLO LEVELING anytime soon either. With how long a single chapter goes without updates and all… I don’t know how great a chance we have at seeing an English release of this any time soon.
So what is this SOLO LEVELING anime?
Is it a new manga? Or some kind of spinoff series? No, not at all. The SOLO LEVELING anime is actually an animated remake of the anime that aired in Japan in early 2009 (which was also produced by Studio Deen) and only spanned 13 episodes… Regardless of how short it may seem, I can assure you that there IS a reason for its relative brevity; we’ll get to that later though. This means that unless you’re fluent in Japanese or simply don’t mind reading subtitles, you won’t be able to watch the SOLO LEVELING anime if it ever gets released outside of its home country.
Why is it taking so long?
Quite simple, really: the SOLO LEVELING anime takes place in a different world than that of the manga and manhwa. This means that both Studio Deen (the studio behind the first SOLO LEVELING anime) and Kim Jong Hak Production (who will be animating season 2 once it starts airing) are starting from scratch with character designs, backgrounds, etc. It also means that there are no voice actors for Season 1 who could reprise their roles. Looks like we’ll have to wait a little while longer before we see our favorite duo in action.
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